Exhibition Claude Monet / Выставка Клод Моне
New Exhibition in San-Francisco. Monet: The late years Russian: Оска́р Клод Моне́ 1840-1926, французский живописец, один из основателей импрессионизма. Выставка в Сан-Франциско в музее де Янг посвящена его поздним работам. Привезено более 50 картин : кувшинки, лилии, японский сад, любимое дерево и мост. English: The exhibition will feature nearly 50 paintings by Claude Monet dating mainly from 1913 to 1926, the final phase of the artist’s long career. During his late years, the well-traveled Monet stayed close to home, inspired by the variety of elements making up his own garden at Giverny, a village located about forty-five miles from Paris. With its evolving scenery of flower beds, footpaths, willows, wisteria, and nymphaea, the garden became a personal laboratory for the artist’s concentrated study of natural phenomena. The exhibition will focus on the series that Monet invented, and just as important, reinvented, in this setting. In the...