Exhibition Rene Magritte in San Francisco. Выставка Рене Mагритта
В Сан-Франциско выставка Рене Магритта. До 28 октября, 2018.

I am a Sheherazada too! Thank you, Rene Magritte!

"©" Copyright Natalia Bogdanova (Septmber, 2018)
René Magritte (1898–1967) was one of the most intriguing painters associated with Surrealism, but he did not fully find his voice until after breaking ties with the movement. This exhibition, the first to look exclusively at Magritte’s late career, examines his most important bodies of work from the 1940s through the 1960s, and shows how they marked a fundamental shift in painting from Modernism to our own time.
Featuring more than 70 artworks in nine immersive, thematic galleries, René Magritte: The Fifth Seasonexplores how Magritte balanced irony and conviction, philosophy and fantasy, to illuminate the gaps between what we see and what we know. Together, the works reveal Magritte as an artist acutely attuned to the paradoxes at work within reality, and an enduring champion of the role of mystery in life and art.
More on Magrette - here...

Рене́ Франсуа́ Гиле́н Магри́тт (фр. René François Ghislain Magritte; — бельгийский художник-сюрреалист. Известен как автор остроумных и вместе с тем поэтически загадочных картин. Почитать про художника тут...
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I am a Sheherazada too! Thank you, Rene Magritte!

"©" Copyright Natalia Bogdanova (Septmber, 2018)